Monday, November 28, 2011

What is Cyber Monday and other holiday shopping questions answered

Happy Cyber Monday! Today is the Monday after Thanksgiving, which is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year. Here's how Cyber Monday and other "days" around Thanksgiving originated:
  • Cyber Monday:  the Monday after Thanksgiving. The term originated in 2005 in a press release, "'Cyber Monday' Quickly Becoming One of the Biggest Online Shopping Days of the Year." Research showed that 78 percent of online retailers reported a significant increase in sales in 2004 on the Monday after Thanksgiving. It's not a very productive day in the workplace; on Cyber Monday more than half of the dollars spent online originate from work computers.
  • Black Friday:  the day following Thanksgiving. Black Friday marks the first day of the Christmas shopping season, and retailers offer many deals to get shoppers in the doors. It's typically the busiest shopping day of the year. The term originated in the late 1960s, as a way for the Philadelphia police department to describe the huge traffic jams and crowded sidewalks in the city because of all the shoppers. In the 1980s, a different explanation for the term Black Friday arose:  that the day marked the time during the year when retailers shifted from operating at a loss (in the red) to a profit (in the black).
  • Small Business Saturday:  the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Small Business Saturday was created by American Express in 2010 as a way to encourage consumers to shop at their local stores. American Express also offers many free marketing materials to help retailers promote themselves for Small Business Saturday.
  • Big Wednesday:  Thanksgiving Eve. The night before Thanksgiving is the biggest drinking night of the year. It's a time when college students come home and get together with friends. For those working, there's plenty of time to recuperate before going back to work on Cyber Monday.
Have fun shopping today -- I hope that you find a great deal!


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