One topic that has come up this year is a proposed $30 dues increase by PRSA National that will be voted on at the PRSA Leadership Assembly in October. Since PRSA National has not raised its dues since 2002, I think that the time is right for an increase. That being said, here are some ways to make PRSA dues fit your budget:
- PRSA financial hardship plan: If you have been a member of PRSA for a total of three or more years, are unemployed and currently up for renewal of your membership, check this out. The PRSA financial hardship plan (opens Word document) provides a savings of $110, and can only be used once over a member's lifetime.
- Associate membership: There are several different types of PRSA membership available, but the associate membership provides significant savings. If you were a PRSSA member and graduated within the past two years, you can join PRSA National for annual dues of $60. The same price is valid if you are a full-time graduate student working toward a public relations degree.
- Quarterly payment option: PRSA National also offers a quarterly dues payment plan for renewing members. Here is a Word document that includes the application.
- Lock-in rate for dues: If the proposed dues increase passes at Leadership Assembly, PRSA National plans on offering a lock-in rate. This means that if you pay your renewal before Dec. 31, 2011, you can pay at this year's rate; your renewal date then moves back 12 months, at which time the dues would switch to the updated rate.